Made in French specialises in business, financial, insurance, and legal translations from English and from German into French. It was founded by French native speaker and professional certified French Translator, Alexandra Bobko MA MCIL MITI, on the back of:


Alexandra Bobko now continues her career as a Freelance Certified Business/Financial/Legal Translator & Director as a Member of the CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF LINGUISTS (MCIL) (also as a Chartered Linguist), as a Qualified Member of the INSTITUTE OF TRANSLATION & INTERPRETING (MITI), as a Full Member of the BUNDESVERBAND DER DOLMETSCHER UND ÜBERSETZER (BDÜ), and as a Member of theSYNDICAT NATIONAL DES TRADUCTEURS PROFESSIONNELS (SFT).

Alexandra Bobko MA MCIL MITI, Certified French Translator